
The Sinner (2017)
Status serial:Incheiat

Descriere The Sinner (2017)

In „The Sinner”, overcome by an inexplicable fit of rage, a young mother (Jessica Biel) commits a startling and very public act of violence – and to her horror has no idea why. The event launches an inverted and utterly surprising crime thriller whose driving force is not the who or the what – but the why. A rogue investigator finds himself obsessed with uncovering the woman’s buried motive, and together they travel a harrowing journey into the depths of her psyche and the violent secrets hidden in her past.

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  1. Lupu spune:

    Cand apare subtitrarea in lb. romana, pentru sezonul 3 ?

  2. abc spune:

    Va rog, adaugati macar subtitrarea in engleza pentru moment, daca se poate. Va multumesc!

  3. Anca spune:

    o sa mai avem traducere in lb. romana ?