
Frontier (2020)


Genul Filmului: Western

Calitate Film: HD


Texas. 1848. Mexican families are being forced off their land by the Saxon’s who come to colonize this unpopulated state. Two Mexican families, the Iturraldes and the Villareals, find their peaceful existence shattered when they refuse to sell their ranches to the Mackenzies, an Irish family who will stop at nothing to get what they want. And what they want, lies deep in this extensive and fertile land…oil.

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1 Comment

  1. istvan spune:

    inteleg conceptul de buget mic. dar aceasta chestie nici nu se poate numi film. mai degreba desen animat. nici performanta actorilor, nici filmarile, nici efectele nu au darul de a face din aceasta cacealma un film. nu stii sa razi sau sa plangi. subiectul e ok, dar abordarea e dezastru.

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