The Model (2016)

A 2016 movie about a young model who is taken advantage of (a little) by some of the people she meets in Paris… I agree with the previous reviewer; it’s well made, good story line, well acted, giving a balanced picture of the modelling industry, and one girl’s story of how things can go wrong, & survival. There was another 2016 movie about a model, „Neon Demon”, and this was 100 times more worthwhile, and probably cost a lot less to make! The audio & visual impact of Neon Demon was awesome, but it was a hollow waste of time, and the publicity machine made it look attractive. If „The Model” was treated the same way, it would still have been good, but it didn’t need the gloss or powerful audio track to make it work. Some of the dialogue is in Danish, but you don’t really need subtitles to understand what’s being said.